Submit Band Details

Submit band / musician / singer information using the form below πŸ™‚

Note 1: If you just want to send me a message, go to the Send A Message page.

Note 2: If you wish to submit event information for a band’s upcoming gig/performance, go to the Submit Event Details page.

In the form below, click on any of the music categories that apply to you. I am not going to use them yet, but I am sure I will in the future….

Checklist for submissions

  • Band / musician Name
  • One or two lines about the band / musician
  • Link to your website – if you have one
  • Links to other social media accounts
  • A photo
  • Email Yes/No: When you submit info through the Contact form, you will have to enter your email address. Please indicate in your message, whether you want this email address displayed with the band information

Note: Some bands don’t have any social media, or any YouTube pages etc. Even if you only have a single YouTube video or a performance, send me the link.