H Mainland / Southwest region Metro Vancouver Open Mic and Jam Sessions Thursday

6:30 pm – Open Mic & Acoustic Jam @ Historic Dewdney Pub and Liquor Store (Dewdney)

(event information)

a.k.a. Church of the Blues

Description: Open Mic & Acoustic Jam

When: Every Thursday, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Venue: Historic Dewdney Pub and Liquor Store (Dewdney)




Use the Facebook page for up to date information – otherwise click on the Venue and check their website page.

“Ours is Thursday nights at the Old Dewdney Pub, 6:30 until 9:30. We’re sponsored by L&M Abbotsford so there’s always a guitar for folks to use, and also sponsored by the Mission Folk Music Festival so we have a feature artist once a month.”